Saturday, August 2, 2014

I Might Not Be Snow White

...but I am often surrounded by small, bossy people and I do occasionally talk to animals.

Last week, for example. 

It was Saturday morning and I was at the grocery store.  Not where I wanted to be but life, budget, blah.  So, there I was.  Our usual Saturday morning is having a big family breakfast with bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes...the works!  I was snatching up the last few items when Tim texted to let me know everything was ready and they would be starting without me. 

At the moment, it was no big deal.  I let him know I'd be there soon enough but whatev -it's all good.  Weird thing is, somewhere between that text and getting the groceries loaded into the van, it was not all good.  It was very bad.  I can blame it on some crazy hormone shift or too little sleep but regardless of the source, I was suddenly a flood of "big feelings" and a puddle of tears.

As I was driving home, it occurred to me that the children, who were enjoying their timely breakfast, would be disgruntled at having said breakfast interrupted in order to unload the van full of groceries and thusly the supply of their next breakfast, which made me less tearful and more ticked.  And though I admit that visualizing cartons of milk exploding against the backs of their selfish heads and butter grenades being launched with absolute precision made me feel better, I figured it was best to give Tim fair warning.

I pulled over into a nearby church parking lot to text Tim (because I do NOT text and drive -PSA at no charge).  The message read something to the effect of "if anyone complains, it will not go well for them."  Just as I hit send, I had the strangest feeling someone was watching me.  Like, at close range.  I lifted my head slowly and looked over my right shoulder.

Perched on the side view mirror of my van was a blue bird.  His head was cocked to one side and he made direct eye contact (as direct as any bird has ever made with me) and wore a quizzical expression.  I heard him in my head say, "Really?  That bad?"  I chuckled out loud which of course, startled him to a nearby branch.  I sat there for an extra minute, exchanging glances with my new friend and thought, "Nope.  It's really not that bad."

It all reminded me of the scene from "Ever After" in which Leonardo Da Vinci unrolls the painting of the Mona Lisa and Prince Henry says, "She laughs at me, sir, as if she knows something I do not." 

The blue bird was laughing at me as if he knew something I did not. 

I know it's much more likely he was thinking "hey, can I snag some cheese off that pizza in the front seat?" but I'll take a friendly and mildly delusional reminder that things aren't so bad after all over a yard full of grocery carnage. 

And lest you think this encounter was just a fluke and doubt my fairytale princess-like gift of animal interaction, there was another encounter just a few days later.  This one involved two red finches perched on the electrical wire over the sidewalk I was traversing.  I said to them, "Please don't shit on me." and they didn't. 

Gift.  There's no other explanation.  ;-) 

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